For-profit journal giant Elsevier has negotiated over open-access issues it is disputing with the University of California – just not with U Cal
OA deal done: The publisher and Carnegie Mellon U have a new agreement that charges a single-fee for staff access to all Elsevier journals and for all university research in them to be published open-access. It looks like the deal Elsevier reached with Norway’s universities in April (CMM April 24).
But not like the continuing stand-off between the publisher and the University of California – negotiations broke down over the network’s demands for an arrangement which looks like what Carnegie Mellon now has (CMM March 14).
U Cal wants in: Elsevier has now signalled it is ready to reach agreements, without conceding to the vast U Cal network and the university “says, “we look forward to the opportunity to re-engage in conversations with Elsevier to achieve a cost-effective agreement on similar terms.” The basis for a deal on open access is now established, what isn’t is the price.
OA on the way: But none of this take the OA pressure off Elsevier. On Thursday the US Government Accountability Office issued recommendations to 19 federal research-funding agencies to pick up the pace on open access.