The shape of post-school policy to come

Before the talking started at the Jobs and Skills summit started the prime minister announced state and Commonwealth funding for 60 000 new fee-free TAFE places (and 120 000 places which will shift from fee to free), agreed at National Cabinet on Wednesday.  

Higher education and private VET providers take note. When governments talk training they say “TAFE”.

Universities Australia gets it. “As we embark on day one of the Jobs and Skills Summit, we look forward to working with colleagues in the TAFE sector … to help set the workforce up for the future.”

It looks like the end of HE lobbies demanding more money and ignoring VET and now accepting one post-school sector. UA also wants universities to be covered by Jobs and Skills Australia, (CMM August 25).

As, the Australian Technology Network tweeted last night, “all additional places that make accessing education easier are important in skilling Australians.

Of course this is before we know what is in the budget.