The people to run Uni SA’s new cross-disciplinary teaching teams

The academic restructure is close to complete, with heads of the new curriculum communities appointed

The university has filled six of the seven executive dean positions.

Roger Eston (now PVC Health Sciences) becomes ED Allied Health and Human Performance.

Andrew Beer (dean Research and Innovation) is ED Business.

Joanne Cys (PVC, Education, Arts, Social Sciences) is ED, Creative.

Shane Dawson (Head of School, Education) is inaugural ED of the New Education Futures academic unit.

Paula Geldens (now leading the School of Creative Industries) will lead Justice and Society

Julie Mills (PVC, IT, Engineering and Environment) takes on the new STEM academic organisation

There is no word on the first head of Clinical and Health Sciences.

The new structure of teaching-curriculum communities replaces the existing discipline-based organisations, (four divisions, 14 schools). It is scheduled to start April 1 (CMM December 9).


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