Andrew Gee (Nats-Calare) was on his feet in the Reps yesterday, making the case, again, for the Murray Darling Medical School. Country people are tired of “patronising city lobbyists” rejecting the need for more doctors in the country the MDMS would deliver, he argued. Mr Gee is right about the lobbying, universities whose medical schools run regional training programmes regularly explain to officials what they can accomplish and why the Charles Sturt and La Trobe U proposed MDMS is not needed. This is tricky for deputy Nationals leader and minister for rural health, Bridget McKenzie. The MDMS is loved in National Party seats but if it gets up the established medical schools in NSW and Victoria will be furious and the MDMS proposal, around well before the two rivers ever flowed, has not been popular in the past with Finance and Treasury. Whatever happens in the budget people will be upset with Senator McKenzie for a decision she may, or may not, like but is stuck with selling.