There were end of the lecture laments in Hobart this week, which Mitch Parsell calmed
The U Tas Academic ED went on ABC Hobart radio Wednesday, to explain that the university was not taking all teaching on-line.
“We are an on-campus, face-to-face university, we are excited to welcome our students back to the activities they enjoy. They are small activities, where they can learn together and social activities where they can meet and make friends,” he said.
But will there be lectures? asked host Kylie Baxter.
“No one likes to be talked at,” Professor Parsell replied (CMM is sure he did not mean Ms B).
“Rather than talking at students we want staff to have a conversation with students.” So, there will be small-group teaching where “students get to engage with staff – that’s what they want, that’s what they will be delivering.”
And no, it’s not about saving money. “Putting things on-line is fairly expensive,” he said. Rather, “it’s about the best possible learning experience for our students, it’s about flexible delivery with active engagement.”
Which includes, “really innovative large classes for students to be able to engage in, inspiring ways, from lecturers who are really excellent”
Gosh, what will that involve? There’s an announcement on Tuesday, which may, or may not, be about a format Professor Parsell described in CMM (April 11) as a “lectorial …iintroductory comments and the presentation of catalyst material by the lecturer followed by active learning by students, very often in groups. Such activities are not only worth keeping, but worth expanding.”