The leaders for research dollar dividends

The feds have released 2016 research commercialisation data from universities, medical research institutes and publicly-funded research agencies. There is enough data for there to be good news for many, but the same names keep coming up in the top 20s (descending order) in key categories.

Dedicated commercialisation staff: CSIRO, Uni Queensland, Uni Melb, UNSW, Griffith U, Uni Sydney, QMIR Berghofer MRI, ANSTO, Monash U, ANU, UniSA, Brian Holden Vision Institute, QUT, Uni Wollongong, La Trobe U, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Uni Newcastle, UNE, Curtin U

Invention disclosures received: Uni Queensland, Uni Sydney, Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute, Monash U, CSIRO, UNSW, Curtin U, Macquarie U, Uni SA, ANU, QUT, Uni Melbourne, Uni Southern Queensland, UTS, Uni Wollongong, Uni Adelaide, Deakin U, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Uni Newcastle, UWA

Start-ups created: UNSW, Burnet Institute, Bionics Institute, Monash U, CSIRO, Deakin U, Uni Queensland, Uni Sydney, Uni SA, Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine and Cell Biology, Flinders U, Garvan Institute Medical Research, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Swinburne U, Uni Melbourne, Uni Newcastle, UWA, U Tasmania, ANZAC Research Institute, Australian Astronomical Observatory

Income from legally enforceable licences and options: UNSW, CSIRO, UNE, Uni Queensland, Deakin U, Walter and Eliza Hall, Monash U, Uni Adelaide, Uni Sydney, UWA, Uni Melbourne, Uni SA, Defence Science and Technology Group, Burnet Institute, Brian Holden Vision Institute, Macquarie U, Garvin Institute Medical Research, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, ANU, Uni Newcastle.


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