The arts of changing minds at Federation U

Last month executives did not want an arts degree at all – now they want a “world class one”

VC Duncan Bentley announces a review of the arts degree – how a future one could link to other courses, connect with technology, and so on.

Management has been ambivalent about arts. In August acting VC Wendy Cross announced it was would be no more from ’23 (CMM August 8) but a week later another acting VC, Liam Sloan announced arts would stay and that a group of employers, students and staff will, “redesign the BA so that it is contemporary, multidisciplinary and digitally driven to meet student and industry needs,” (CMM August 15).

And so, Professor Bentley is now asking staff for input, for a degree that will fit Federation U’s new co-operative education model, “bridge campus-based learning with learning in the workplace,” (CMM August 22).