Australian and New Zealand universities on the world top 100 in the ARWU lists for natural science are (with apologies for any missed) are;
Maths: UNSW (76-100)
Physics: ANU (32)
Chemistry: Monash U (76-100)
Earth Sciences: ANU (23), UNSW (40), Curtin U (51-75), UWA (51-75), UTas (51-75), Macquarie U (76-100)
Geography: ANU (7), UoQ (13), UniMelbourne (22), UNSW (49), Monash U (51-75), UniSydney (51-75), Victoria U of Wellington (51-75), James Cook U (76-100), Macqarie U (76-100) UWA (76-100)
Ecology: James Cook U (12), UoQ (16), UWA (29) ANU (36), Western Sydney U (39), UniMelbourne (47), Macquarie U (51-75), UNSW (51-75), UniSydney (51-75), UTasmania (51-75), UniOtago (76-100),
Oceanography: UTasmania (13), UNSW (23), UWA (24), ANU (43), James Cook U (51-75), UoQ (51-75), UniOtago (76-100)
Atmospheric science: UNSW (22), UniMelbourne (49)