The university is targeting student administration, research support and “units with low enrolments” to provide candidates for a proposed voluntary redundancy round
These are the job losses the university announced in June. Yesterday’s proposal is in-line with the accord Monash U struck with the National Tertiary Education Union on making savings (CMM June 11).
Specific operating units targeted include;
Library: 30 positions from 202 FTE now, with a second stage next year when a proposed reorganisation is in place
Faculty based research services and HDR support: 14 positions from 38 “in scope”
Course rationalisation: 58 FTE across faculties (effectively ending some small specialist teaching areas)
Student admin and support: 91 in central services and 56 in faculties
If enough VRs are not found from these areas the university may accept requests from people in other areas, “in limited circumstances,” to “minimise the need to seek involuntary redundancies.”