The Australian Public Service staff census is out – there are results worse than last year
The May-June survey records an overall “employee engagement score” of 66 per cent, a touch down on the previous census, but 9 per cent lower on the all regulatory agencies result and 8 per cent below the combined figure for “extra small-sized” ones.
Across the board, there are many way worse results from last year, when esprit de corps appeared improving (CMM July 22).
Now, just a third of staff would recommend their agency as a good place to work, (39 per cent below the all-regulatory agency figure).
The irony is at a team-level esprit de corps is excellent. Staff believe in their mission, 79 per cent are committed to agency goals, relationship with immediate supervisors score in the 70s, results are generally within 10 per cent of the similar agency average.
So, what’s the problem?
While supervisors score 74 per cent for effective communication, top management rates 27 per cent for delivering word from on-high. And senior executives really should do a better job of pretending to get on. Just 27 per cent of survey responders think the leadership “works as a team.”
Chief Executive Officer Alistair Maclean states the survey took place “while the agency was also engaged in an extensive consultation about how we can strengthen our workplace culture and foster a working environment that supports all our staff to achieve their best.”