Tehan set to stay as education minister

He already has the nod that counts

Dan Tehan is expected to stay on as education minister, at least that’s what the prime minister said during the campaign. He nominated Mr Tehan, along with health minister Greg Hunt among ministers who would keep their jobs.  Yesterday Mr Tehan’s office referred CMM to the PM’s statement. In a door stop last Wednesday in Corangamite, the next-door electorate to Mr Tehan’s.

Which leaves speculation focusing on Karen Andrews in Industry, Innovation and Science and Michaelia Cash whose portfolio includes small business, skills and VET. Ms Andrews is generally considered to have done a good job, with an apparently losing hand before Saturday – with a policy commitment that makes a case for her keeping the portfolio. Applied-research insiders say she should stay.

What Senator Cash does next may depend on whether her portfolio stays as is.


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