You know the holidays are absolutely over when budget submissions arrive, thanks Australian Technology Network
With its pal, Uni Newcastle, the ATN presents a classic from its pragmatic playbook. Rather than urge the Treasurer to give vice chancellors red bikes and ponies the ATN presents broad employment-related and applied-research themes. Thus the network suggests,
* “direct support to encourage more businesses to employ research graduates, PhD students and embrace innovation”
* involve universities in Industry 4.0 initiatives
* direct supports for workers seeking to up-skill and re-skill via enterprise-based learning, including continuing the short-course approach, “on a subject by subject basis.”
* equity-focused funding for participation in the government’s national priority areas
“The government and community response to the pandemic has put Australia in an enviable position. We now have the chance to make the most of this hard-earned opportunity and the lessons we have learned during the pandemic. Australia’s future prosperity relies on providing opportunities across our whole society and sharing the benefits of this prosperity,” the ATN argues.
Astute stuff, which could come from government budget talking-points for MPs, it may well.