TAFE chief to create a VET alliance

Craig Robertson is creating a coalition of VET leaders, to address the mess, sorry mass of training qualifications. “This is not just a TAFE thing. It’s something I passionately feel the sector needs to address and I want to work with others with the same passion to see how we can contribute to change, “the executive director of TAFE Directors Australia says.

Mr Robertson wants a meeting of ministers scheduled for Friday to address “the high number of bespoke qualifications” for individual occupations. “The extent of qualification capture to industry demands and employment rent seeking, compared to the smooth passage to work these qualifications can offer needs close examination,” TDA he says.

Nor is Mr Robertson happy with the Commonwealth’s interim “tuition assurance scheme” for VET students, set to start next year.  “Federal Minister Simon Birmingham, seems to imply that TDA has not been up to the task for cleaning up the mess for Careers Australia.  Well, we have and we have placed at a cost of $30m to TAFEs and other providers students that we did not have a responsibility for,” he said last night.


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