DVC R Aleksandar Subic returns to RMIT, where he will become DVC for science, engineering and health and VP digital innovation
Professor Subic joined Swinburne U in 2015 from RMIT, where he was dean of engineering, (CMM April 10 2015.)
Subic started and continued with a big agenda. He made strategic hires in research management and teaching (CMM June 6 and June 30 2016). He was also instrumental in an early Australian alliance between the university and Siemens, which provided the university with $135m worth of software for teaching and research in a digital “factory of the future” (CMM August 15 2017). Last year he was appointed to lead a six-university Industry 4.0 pilot programme (January 16 2019).
Professor Subic’s departure appears to end speculation he was interested in Swinburne’s top-spot. VC Linda Kristjanson’s six-month extension of her second term concludes at year end.