Students not sold on U Tas move to CBD

In March the Tasmanian University Students Association decided to oppose the city-move unless university management improved comms with students and demonstrated how the new location would be in their interests

TUSA now says the university has made a “re-invigorated effort” to engage and “capture the diversity of the student voice in opinions and experiences relating to the city move.”

“Our position remains that the Hobart city campus move should not go ahead, but we are open to re-evaluation of our stance if the universities’ consultation practices improve, and student feedback toward the move becomes more positive,” the association announces.

That students are less offside than they were, but still not supportive, is bad for management’s pitch.

The city move is supposed to make it much easier for students to get to campus by public transport than the present Sandy Bay site. The CBD is supposed to be way hipper and happening than the Bay. Plus Uni Tas promotes its flash new teaching facilities in town.

And yet students are not sold.