Still no QILT

CMM asked the Department of Education twice last week and officials promised to advise when they can

Institutions received their undergraduate survey results for the 2021 Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching in January, as usual. But nothing has happened since.

It’s a curious contrast with last year, when the 2020 all-institution results were out in March.

Observers suggest QILT ‘21 has long been ready to be released and that the government, at least lately, did not want to detract attention from Friday’s teacher education summit.  But now, the sooner the better.

As Studiosity’s Jack Goodman points out,  it’s essential for prospective students trying to decide where to study. QILT “is the only objective comparison information, and as such it is essential that it be available during critical decision-making times in the academic calendar,” (CMM July 26).


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