Still masked-up in the national capital

ANU continues to require indoor wear

As the ACT government relaxed requirements on in-door masks Friday ANU management advised the university community that masks remain required indoors on campus, “for the foreseeable future.”  “We planned our semester one on campus with certain conditions in place, including mask wearing, so it’s important that these remain in place for the time being,” the university does not entirely explain.

But it might have something to do with last week’s COVID cases in university halls of residence.

As to vaccination, it’s required in residences and other specified settings but in general, the university “strongly encourages staff and students to get vaccinated, including receiving a booster dose when eligible.”  ANU states it is consulting on mandatory vax, following a staff and student survey which found 80 per cent plus “would feel more comfortable” if others on campus were vaccinated.  However, “at this stage our health advice is not to introduce a broad vaccine mandate across our community,” VC Brian Schmidt told staff Friday.

So does Uni Canberra

Also Friday, management extended  in-door masks for a fortnight, which “reflects the current assessment of risk for our environment.” The university says triple vax is “strongly recommended.”

They were warned

The ACT division of the National Tertiary Education Union “welcomes these announcements.” Last month the union called on the universities to consult on risks in returning to campus. Omicron “has dramatically changed the public health situation,” officials Craig Applegate and Lachlan Clohesy said (CMM January 31).



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