Uni Adelaide has a new student campaign in the “gosh we’re great,” genre
The “make history” 60 second spot presents a bunch of achievements at Uni Adelaide and a bunch of famous people who achieved them.
Presumably the message for prospective students is that they can add to all the terrific stuff that has already occurred – although how the university will help is not entirely clear – actually it’s not clear at all. Change the specifics mentioned and it could be about any Group of Eight university.
But it’s a classic of the genre, a stunner of a sixty second script and no promises that will set bullshit detectors off.
Profile in courage at Flinders U
Flinders U also has a new campaign, which asks “what would you do if you were fearless,” with young people talking about their aspirations. There’s a corporate clip pitching the university, “we don’t survive in challenging times, we thrive in them. We are fearless, we are Flinders.” And there’s a TVC which is very arty indeed.
Working hard at Uni SA
As to Uni SA, it is sticking with a two-year old campaign, “start your unstoppable career.” “Our degrees are designed in partnership with industry. From day one you will get the experience your profession demands. So it will feel like you’r studying one minute and in a career the next.”
Which might appeal to young people who fear being skill-less will make them history.