Seek and ye shall find (some) micro-credentials

The long-awaited micro-credentials directory opened Friday

The Commonwealth-funded MicroCred Seeker was built and will be run by the NSW Universities Admission Centre.

There are MCs from just ten universities and five private providers, but a bunch more of institutions are listed, suggesting content from them is imminent.

However the big corporates who provide training to all comers aren’t in sight – Google for example, which offers courses via Coursera. Perhaps they don’t fit a definition of MC or are in the queue.  TEQSA-registered providers are getting first go, with others, “able to be onboarded in future phases.”

As it was Friday, CQU leads with 60 courses, mainly health and business. “Key principles and concepts in accounting” is  a steal – ten hours of study for $90 makes it cheaper than a basic textbook.

The site itself is plain vanilla – no-one is going to accuse UAC of spending up on creative,  perhaps it assumes that people who come  to the site are already sold on MCs.  But while UAC advises there will be “a national campaign across social media and search to promote the platform,” It’s not going to replace individual institutions running their own campaigns  – as Uni Melbourne does for its micro-certificates on Twitter.