Savings on the way at James Cook U

Costs are up and there is “a further decline” in domestic student load for second semester

This means, VC Simon Biggs, told staff Tuesday, “we will have to consider how to deliver on our plans for increased transparency and accountability to better manage expenditure.”

And that means changes to staffing set out in a preliminary change consultation, “to reduce duplication and drive efficiency,” “have become even more important.”

So important that the university was already on to it, at least for Professional Services. Last week DVC Services Tricia Brand advised there is a formal change process with an “indicative” release date, w/c August 29.  “All directly impacted staff” will hear before then.

Messaging is already underway, with staff in respected roles (including health and safety reps) invited by HR to join  a “change network” “to provide feedback to the programme team and to reinforce messages delivered by managers in your work units.”

Back in June Professor Biggs advised JCU there was work to “identify options for savings,” (CMM June 27).