Research the government loves (yes it’s from MRFF)

Even before it was re-elected Greg Hunt was announcing MRFF grants

Once and future health minister Greg Hunt announced Medical Research Future Funds grants the day before we voted. Mr Hunt at least honoured the caretaker conventions by announcing the funding on Liberal Party letterhead and making them contingent on re-election. The grants, around $1m each include,

* epilepsy research at the Florey Institute

* brain-machine interface for vision at Monash U

* antibiotic resistance database at UTS

* Monash U work on the Zika virus

* The Burnett Institute and partners funded for technologies to assist women’s sexual and reproductive health

* technology for stroke victims at Uni Melbourne

* biomedical treatment for cerebral palsy developed by John Parker, adjunct professor at UNSW

* Uni Queensland research on therapeutic ultrasound for brain disorders

* genome editing at Walter and Eliza Hall

* 4D diagnostic technology developed at the Australian Lung Health Initiative


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