Recruiting cyber sentinels

Blanket cyber security is not possible so Australia should be ready to bounce back from attacks says the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering

The Academy’s submission to the feds’ cyber safety review includes, “development of a top-class professional cyber security workforce and a comprehensive education program for its citizens.”

“The Academy believes that cyber security must be a common thread through various science and technology programs, and that a strategic focus on digital business, data management and cyber security vocational training and university education would support the development of a highly skilled workforce of cyber security professionals,” the submission states.

Universities are already on to this (CMM September 10) but a dedicated resource might be needed to implement the Academy’s idea. Perhaps like the Naval Shipbuilding College which is intended to liaise with industry and universities/colleges to train the workforce for the RAN building programme (CMM February 9). Or perhaps better ask advise from people with established industry-policy expertise. The cyber security CRC at Edith Cowan U might be an idea (CMM September 25 2017).


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