At Uni Queensland management takes the next step to introducing a degree funded by the Ramsay Western Civilisation Centre
Executive dean of arts and social sciences, Heather Zwicker has endorsed a third version of the proposed curriculum and sent it up the line for academic approval. Her move follows a rejection of the draft by the faculty’s advisory board of studies last week (CMM May 22).
In a message to staff, Professor Zwicker set out consultation and consideration of previous drafts and pointed to coming workshops to “progress the curriculum,” compile reading lists, “and other curriculum tasks.”
And she acknowledged the work of the board of studies, “that this curriculum is so much richer, so much more rigorous, is a testament to the vital role that the board of studies plays and will continue to play in our faculty.”
“The vote taken at the BoS meeting puts me in a difficult position because I am torn between what I hear from you, my trusted colleagues, and what I believe are the broader strategic purposes for HASS,” Professor Zwicker told staff.
“The university is not somehow above the public sphere, but a vital participant in it. A humanities that turns its back on the world is diminished. The very hard task for us as humanists and social scientists is to stay faithful to a commitment to public engagement even when it’s difficult – especially when it’s difficult,” she said,
To which a senior HASS scholar responded yesterday; “UQ hires some of the best humanities academics in the world – and ignores their professional judgement.”