Pure research funding falls  

Pure research funding falls  

The foundations of national research and development took a hit in 2018-20

Spending on pure basic research dropped over $300m, to $2455m, according to a new report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

While strategic basic research increased from $2167m to $2246m, applied research outlays grew by $824m, to $6708m.

Overall, higher education spending on research and development declined slightly between 2018 and 2020. The headline figure is an increase from $12 158m to $12 668m. However the chain volume measure (adjusting for annual price changes) of spending, declined from $12 849m in ’18.

General university funds continue to be the most important source of HERD outlays but dropped from $6823m in 2018 to $6735m. Commonwealth direct grants and other schemes were both marginally up and business spending increased from $522m to $603m.


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