Unis in WA don’t appear worried that COVID-19 will empty out CBDs
The feds and WA state government join with three of the state’s public universities to create campuses in Perth city.
The package is a city-deal, an urban renewal programme created by Malcolm Turnbull.
Edith Cowan U: gets $245 from the Commonwealth and land from the state government to establish a “vertical campus” adjacent to the main Perth railway station. The university will provide $300m. The university will move the WA Academy of Performing Arts to the site, with the business and law school and creative industries programmes. It will open in 2025. The university was silent yesterday about the future of its Mount Lawley campus, where WAAPA is now located but locals were speculating earlier in the year that ECU wants out, in whole or part.
Murdoch U: The state government is funding the university’s “multi-story vertical campus” which will include a “digital futures academy” and “eSports stadium.” Specific finance is not announced, but in combination with support for Curtin U the package is $360m.
Curtin U: Details are sparser on what Curtin U will do, with yesterday’s overall project announcement stating the university will establish “a knowledge and innovation precinct” at their existing CBD campus.