Peak science lobby says enough already with ARC grant delay

People sweating on research grants supposed to start on January 1 still do not know if they have funding, complains Science and Technology Australia.

STA says it “understands” the problem is Education Minister Dan Tehan wanting a new national interest test for research grants. If so, STA suggests the worst on record delay in an Australian Research Council announcement isn’t on.

“Researchers already describe the benefits of their research and align their work with national priorities as part of their application, and this is considered as a part of the peer-reviewed assessment process,” president Emma Johnston says.

Less anybody miss the point she added late yesterday, “researchers across the nation have put so much time, creativity and intellect into their ARC applications – peer-reviewers have put the same into their constructive feedback and evaluations – after nine months both groups deserve to know the result, (via Twitter).


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