Now with red cyber spice

There’s $9.9bn in the budget for the low-profile, high-impact Australian Signals Directorate to spend on “Resilience, Effects, Defence, Space, Intelligence, Cyber and Enablers,”  excellently acronymed as REDSPICE

Apparently the money over ten years means “significant opportunities” for industry and will “support new employment pathways through partnerships with educational institutions.”

“What”, a learned reader asks, like the $230m Cyber Security Strategy, launched in 2016?  This included $1.9m over four years for  “academic centres of cyber security excellence programme” at Uni Melbourne and Edith Cowan U, (which also won hosting-rights for the Cyber-Security CRC in 2018).

The academic centres programme expired last year, so REDSPICE is hot stuff. Uni Melbourne’s Christopher Leckie says “an active stream of students in cyber security” is currently completing masters. Maybe DSD will want more.