Curtin U staff vote next week on a management proposal
Management is proposing they vote to amend the university’s enterprise agreement to forego next June’s pay rise, among other ways to save money, (CMM September 2 and 8).
To which the campus branch of the National Tertiary Education Union calls for an emphatic no. The comrades argue the university has substantial reserves and that, “there is absolutely no guarantee on how many jobs, if any, would be saved by staff voting to forgo their next pay rise.”
Murdoch U wants staff to vote for money-saving enterprise agreement variations. Don’t do it, say union members
Management wants $25m in salary savings from staff (CMM yesterday). To which, a meeting of National Tertiary Education Union members yesterday responded with an all but unanimous commitment to campaign against the required vote. “Murdoch U has offered staff nothing in return for their proposal, including no commitment to: job security, finding savings elsewhere; transparency of MU’s financial position; and executive pay cuts.”