No more home among the gum trees at Macquarie U

Macquarie University staff who love their campus home among the gum trees will be disappointed, with lemon scented gums on the central courtyard for the chop. Some 120 trees were planted there in July 1968 and learned readers tell CMM that they are much-loved.

But not for long. The university tells CMM the central courtyard was closed when storms were predicted (but did not arrive) the other weekend. However “the threat of falling branches remains and the area will be closed until further notice. The university’s top priority is always the duty of care we have to our staff, students and visitors on campus.”

So “later this year” work on the central courtyard will begin. “ We are still finalising plans and will share details about the project including removal of trees when the plans are finalised. Green spaces will continue to be a strong feature of our campus,” a university representative says. Just not lemon scented spaces in the founding courtyard.


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