Next in design at UNSW

UNSW opens Design Next today – styled to teach at the interface of engineering and design where form and function fit

Classes in the new facility are set to start next year, with 5000 students already enrolled from four faculties, art & design, built environment, business and engineering.

They will study in cross-disciplinary teams that combine technology with user-focused design. One course already underway has engineering and art-design students working with Vespa on a future scooter.

Design Next is led by Finnish industrial designer Ilpo Koskinen. UNSW is said to see the new project as transformative for industry in Australia, graduating 4 000 students a year trained in technology and design.

Students study for-credit in their enrolled faculties, with four multi-discipline subjects available in all faculties and taught by multidisciplinary staff. New centre-specific subjects will be introduced from next year to 2022.

The project is overseen by the four participating faculties, administered by engineering and funded direct by the DVC A.


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