The university says student survey demonstrates quality experiences
Murdoch U responded to staff concerns on the academic ability of international students, expressed on Four Corners, Monday night in a statement to the ABC. Along with assurances about standards and resources it includes; “the 2018 Student Experience Survey results, ranked Murdoch University among the highest universities nationally for student support.” The survey, which is part of the excellent Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching indeed did so, however on all four student satisfaction factors combined, Murdoch U rates bang-on the national average. But what do Murdoch U’s international students specifically think? QILT surveys all undergraduates and there are separate figures for internationals. These are not publicly provided but they do go to universities and Murdoch U could add to its case that its internationals are happy with their education by releasing them.
Restructure unsettles staff
There are other concerns at Murdoch U. Some staff are upset as a new academic structure beds down. The university has abolished faculties and combined its nine schools in two colleges, Science, Health, Engineering and Education and Arts, Business, Law and Social Sciences. Some professional staff are not all happy where they fit in the new model.
There are academics who aren’t all that impressed either, in particular with the creation of deans of academic operations, who are deputies to college PVCs. Critics say this is an extra management layer between teachers and researchers, their discipline heads and college chiefs.