Biz school accreditor AACSB announces its 2020 innovations that inspire. One is at Swinburne
“Business schools are change-agents, creating environments where out-of-the-box thinking thrives,” the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business suggests. It apparently does at Swinburne U’s Social Start Up Studio, which is so far out of its box to win one of the 25 AASCB innovation awards. Apparently, the studio, “works with early-stage social enterprises to develop and test ideas, building knowledge to strengthen the social enterprise ecosystem.”
Rankings agency QS announces its pick of on-line MBAs
Five ANZ programmes make the global list of 47, UNSW, (fourth), Uni Otago (10th) Deakin U (20th) La Trobe U (30th) and Curtin U (40th)
Times Higher Impact ranking
The awards are for work that serve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. In this second year, Uni Auckland stays in top spot, followed by Uni Sydney (second), Western Sydney U (third), and La Trobe U (fourth) all new to the global top ten. RMIT is tenth.
Other ANZ institutions on the list are, Monash U (=17th) Auckland Uni Tech and Uni Otago (=23rd), Uni Wollongong (31st), Victoria U of Wellington (36th), Uni Newcastle (=45th), Uni Tas (=47th), Deakin U (=55th), Massey U (60th), Charles Sturt U (=61st), UNSW (=66th), QUT (=70th), Edith Cowan U (83rd), Uni SA (=87th), Charles Darwin U (=99th).