Curtin VC Deborah Terry takes possession of the HE chair today, taking over at Universities Australia as the Morrison Government’s majority in the Reps was confirmed. She succeeds Monash U VC Margaret Gardner.
Ian Jacobs (UNSW VC) and Margaret Sheil (VC QUT) also join UA’s board. Continuing directors re-elected are Brian Schmidt (ANU), John Dewar (La Trobe U), Andrew Vann (CSU), David Lloyd (UniSA) and Annabelle Duncan (UNE). It will not be a long appointment for Professor Duncan, who steps down at UNE in August.
Wojciech Chrzanowski is awarded the National Measurement Institute’s Barry Inglis Medal for excellence in measurement science. Aspro Chrzanowski teaches and researches in the University of Sydney’s School of Pharmacy.
ASPREE (aspirins in reducing events in the elderly) is the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance trial of the year. It was, “a clinical trial to determine whether aspirin helped older people to live well for longer by delaying the onset of illnesses in the first place.” Some 16 700 people participated. Monash U’s John McNeil is the principal investigator of the Australian component of the international project.