NCVER promises data tools the training industry needs

The estimable National Centre for Vocational Education Research has a new plan to make it; “a leader in advanced data systems and infrastructure, big data analytics, data linkage and surveys, all deeply integrated with research.” As if it isn’t already in training!

But according to the agency stakeholders now; “want closer to ‘real-time’ data and integrated analysis of training activity. They require pertinent information to better inform policy development and the management of jurisdictional and national VET systems.” Which is what the NCVER wants to give them; “we need to develop fully integrated and intelligent digital services and products that help people make use of our data in meaningful ways.”

The NCVER is not precise on what this involves and how it will be done, but its fans can be assured there will be a bunch of pro-activity, credibility, accessibility and transparency, (funnily enough there is no mention of clarity, not always present in reports). And pages 12-13 of the plan provides specifics on the needs of nine stakeholder groups the centre must meet.

As to how all this will be done, the centre has that covered as well. It will “secure the necessary funding and resources and deliver all outcomes in accord with contracts, whilst adapting to NCVER’s changing environment.” But how much more, and from whom?



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