Murdoch U HR director alleges university staff bullied her

Murdoch University has been in the Fair Work Commission again, but this time its opponent is a senior staff member instead of the National Tertiary Education Union. Yesterday, Fair Work Commission Deputy President Binet dealt with a dispute between Murdoch U and its own director of people and culture, Michelle Narustrang. Ms Narustrang has alleged, “several very senior employees of Murdoch had engaged in bullying behaviour towards her.”

Deputy President Binet dismissed her application as “an independent investigation” had cleared two named persons and that the third individual “was no longer in direct contact with Ms Narustrang.” However, “if on her return to work behaviours occur which might form the basis of the granting of orders then she can make a new application at that time.”

While the three individuals are not named; “Murdoch have not provided sufficient evidence to satisfy me that a departure from the principle of open justice is justified to de-identify the university,” the deputy president said.

Last night a Murdoch U spokesperson said, “the matter has been dismissed by the Fair Work Commission and the university has no further comment.


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