CMM gave up watching paint-dry – the pace was too frenetic. Instead he took up observing the process for the regulator to re-register the university
The university’s previous registration expired last July and is not yet renewed. The Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency says a university that’s registration is expired is still registered until TEQSA decides what to do, (CMM June 5 2020).
Part of the delay may be due to the agency undertaking a “compliance assessment” of the university following May 2019 allegations on ABC TV’s Four Corners about inadequate standards for international students (which Murdoch U strenuously rejected).
But international issues might already be addressed by the regulator re-registering Murdoch U on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students, subject to it providing “information about its students’ English language proficiency and academic preparedness, management of education agents and student visa requirements at regular intervals over the next two years,” (CMM December 11).
Whatever the reason, the university registration process was still underway in April when the university responded to requests from TEQSA. It also commissioned a consultant to review alignment with the Higher Education Standards Framework, which TEQSA regulates.