Murdoch management proposes a new structure while some staff wonder why

The academic restructure proposal at Murdoch U (CMM yesterday) is creating questions. The core of the Toward 2027 proposal is two colleges with five faculties, and all disciplines allocated to one or another.

Health and human services, vet and agriculture science plus engineering are in one and creative industries, arts and education, the other.  The three research institutes will provide, “cross-disciplinary platforms.”

“The college structure also aims to create opportunities for academic staff to concentrate on their academic work rather than spend time in academic administration at the discipline level,” the proposal states.

The basic question being asked is why do it. The 2012 strategic plan adopted the existing nine school structure and observers say there is no particular push by staff for change.

Murdoch people are also nervous about a structure that places power with PVCs sitting way above academic operating units. They also wonder what this means for budget management and the location of line-administrators, who now work with the academics they support.

They will find out in a fortnight or so, when management responds to staff views.


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