Moving future foods fast

For f… sake – there’s a new CRC

The first CRC of round 20 is announced, Future Food Systems. The CRC will focus on developing food products suited to specific regions and creating supply chains to get them quickly to market.

“The CRC will work with food hub stakeholder to develop plans that create a knowledge base and shared targets for future industry growth.  These plans will connect farmers, regional manufacturers and logistics and other service providers to create transparent supply chains for value added products.”

The project was started by the NSW Farmers Association in consultation with the National Farmers Federation and the federal government’s agribusiness growth centre, Food Innovation Australia.

University partners are, UNSW, Murdoch U, Western Sydney U, UNE, QUT and Charles Darwin U.

Industry, Science and Technology Minister Karen Andrews says the government will provide $35m over ten years with partners contributing nearly $150m in cash and kind.

A learned reader suggests the CRC might want to adjust its name to Food Futures CRC, given the colloquial expression FFS abbreviates.


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