More micro-credentials

News of m-cs was released to the government’s friends in old media, in time for Sunday papers

“New micro-credential courses to support in-demand jobs” is the pitch, making it a natural for the papers.  Some 18 unis share $18.5m for 28 courses, in engineering and IT, science and education. There will be another round within 12 months.

“The pilot programme is part of the Albanese Government’s broader efforts to promote micro-credentials.”

The pilots appear to build on funding for product design announced in November (CMM November 10).

The government’s efforts follow on from the coalition’s enthusiasm.

Dan Tehan in particular was keen on m-cs. “(they) address the most common barriers cited by adult workers who are not intending to undertake further formal training or study: time and cost,” the then education minister said in 2020 (CMM June 22 and October 20).

But where m-cs fit in the national qualifications framework wasn’t clear then and still isn’t, unless CMM missed it in the Sundays.

Perhaps all will be revealed when the Australian Qualification Framework is finally updated – or at the crack of doom, whichever comes first.


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