MOOCS of many mornings: the three Australia courses shortlisted for the edX annual award

Three Australian MOOCs are on the ten-course short-list for the edX 2018 prize for exceptional contributions in online teaching and learning.

Lucy Potter and University of Adelaide colleagues are nominated for Shakespeare matters, “learn how to read a Shakespeare play and gain the tools you need to interpret its language.”

Bridget Tombleson, Lydia Gallant and Katharina Wolf from Curtin U teach Reputation management in a digital world, “learn how to develop, manage and protect an organisation’s online reputation through social media.”

At the University of Queensland, Blake McKimmie, Mark Horswill and Barbara Masser present, The psychology of criminal justice, “learn how behavioural science can improve our criminal justice system.

Last year’s winners were Bernadette Drabsch and Andrew Howells from the University of Newcastle for, “Drawing nature, science and culture: natural history illustration 101.”


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