Management reports more consultation with concerned staff over returning to campus and has made what looks like a final proposal, but isn’t
HR head Phil Vaughan tells staff the OHS committee, health and safety representatives, safety officers, local OHS Committees, and staff members have “shared further information, discussed issues and concerns and provided feedback” on the COVID-safe back to campus plan.
It follows intervention by the campus branch of the National Tertiary Education Union, which was unhappy with management’s original plans and consultation with staff (CMM January 27, 28, February 5).
Management now commits to pretty much what it indicated it would including; * a four-week trial of Rapid Antigen Tests for “teaching and community-facing staff” plus other groups * surgical masks for “all staff and students” with heavy-duty ones for all the staff who quality for RATS * continuing swipe-access to buildings, to check vaccination status * “central teaching spaces” now have “low ‘COVID risk’ ventilation systems that are ready for semester one.”
But that’s not that – this proposal is now out for consultation. Management hopes to put it in place, Friday.
Monash U management is keen for the university to be open for classes when first semester starts on February 28, DVC E Sharon Pickering says only she can issue exemptions for staff scheduled to teach on campus (CMM February 11). Mr Vaughan appears keen to ensure no one will be able to claim there were no consultations on safety.