Policy and practise is happening ahead of how they can be applied nation-wide. Ratna Selvaratnam (Edith Cowan U) and Michael Sankey (Griffith U) identify the issues
“Although there is no shortage of opinion pieces published on the internet, many of these lack the required level of academic rigour for an integrative literature review such as this,” they write in the Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability.
So, they set out what the existing research provides as the basis for a micro-credential “technical ecosystem” and identify big issues where more research is (for once) needed, including,
* integrating micro-credentials with employability
* accessibility and credibility issues, such as validation
* student-record keeping by institutions
* representation of credentials for “professional consumption.”
And it all has to happen fast. “At a very practical level, the recent review of the Australian Qualifications Framework recommends the recognition of micro-credentials and presumably it is only a matter of time before the government moves to implement this recommendation.”