Last October the two academic colleges, Arts, Business, Law and Social Sciences and Science, Health, Engineering and Education lost their own PVCs, replaced by a single pro vice chancellor in charge of both, backed by a business management director, (CMM October 28).
In February the deans of learning and teaching and academic operations in the College of Science and etc both left (CMM February 23).
Then in May the one PVC position went, replaced by a DVC Colleges role (CMM May 13).
And yesterday more changes were announced. The dean academic operations position goes and two executive dean posts are created.
The deans learning and teaching “have expanded accountabilities” with curriculum coordinators reporting to them. And the business management director becomes director, strategy and operations. But the dean research and innovation, loses the latter.
Apparently, this is about, “creating greater capacity for the executive to lead and management people and processes.”