Macquarie U plans for new research reality

Management is scaling back 2024 targets

A staff briefing by DVC R Sakkie Pretorius warns “workforce and funding changes across the sector called for a revision of some 2024 research targets”. Those specified are, “a 20 per cent reduction in publication research income and HDR completion targets.”

However, the 2024 quality targets are unchanged100 per cent of research at “four-digit level” in the 2023 Excellence for Research in Australia (the Australian Research Council defines level four as “above world standard”). And “a sustainable position in the top 200 in terms of international university rankings,” stays an aim (there is no mention of a specific ranking).

However, there is a new approach to internal funding, “cultivating multi-disciplinary research” which is “key to achieving impact.”

Faculties will now bid for funding using the new FOCI model (Focus, Opportunity, Consilience, Impact) which will have an “increased strategic focus on multi-disciplinary research in areas of strength.”