Macquarie U calculating courses to cut

Experts took two years to build the new curriculum –  now management is changing what will be taught next year

It started a couple of weeks back when VC S Bruce Dowton told staff that courses with what was decided to be not enough students had to be “rested.” The resting will start first semester next year (CMM, September 15 and 25).

What this means quickly sunk in.  There are campus protests over courses to go, in STEM and especially in Arts, where there are estimates 50 plus majors will not make the cut-off under management’s “course viability and efficiency schedule.”

Just how many courses depends on university management’s not-especially understandable formula, which includes;

“four is the maximum number of units permitted in a ten-credit point option set. For each additional 50 enrolments, a course can consider having an additional major/specialisation, with 20 being the maximum number of majors/specialisations permitted (with 1000 commencers).”

There are other numbers worrying MU people – how many staff will be surplus to the needs of the smaller suite of courses.


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