Macleay cancels journalism: TEQSA has concerns

The college told students late Friday it is cancelling its bachelor and dip in journalism due to low enrolments and will only teach the present semester (CMM yesterday)

Is this allowed, CMM asked the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency. TEQSA states, “The Higher Education Standards Framework (2021) requires providers that cease offering a course to support students to complete the programme or offer alternative arrangements.”

As to the Macleay specifics, “TEQSA is seeking further information about the provider’s decision and support that is being offered to affected students to complete their studies. The timing and manner of how this was communicated by Macleay College to their students is also of concern to TEQSA. Without prejudicing the outcome of our enquires, should TEQSA identify a breach of the Higher Education Standards Framework, we will take the appropriate enforcement action to ensure student interests and the standards are upheld.”

Which raises two questions, what can TEQSA do to help students and when.

The private provider association also wants to know what is going on

Independent Higher Education Australia (Macleay is a member) told CMM yesterday, that it “works with all members to ensure student protections and standards are upheld, particularly when business models or market conditions change.

“We are currently clarifying the circumstances regarding course discontinuations at Macleay College and will assist the College to ensure TEQSA requirements are met.”