Australian Catholic U says that for semester two students “who wish to return to campus can do so”
“Lectures, tutorials and workshops will be timetabled on campus where the campus has capacity that ensures we can maintain physical distancing requirements. Most units will also continue to be offered on-line,” ACU advises.
Uni Adelaide resumes face-to-face teaching in second semester
“We look forward to welcoming most of our students back to campus in semester two, “ DVC A Pascale Quester says.
However, lectures will continue on-line for the remainder of the year, “with some exceptions.”
Uni Queensland is open, up to a point
Vice Chancellor Peter Hoj tells staff the university wants, “to provide semester two on-campus experiences and learning opportunities for students.” But it will be a “blended approach: face-to-face learning – where this can be done without compromising the health of staff and students, or academic integrity – supported by digital delivery.”