La Trobe U staff started working on a new Information Communications Technology structure in the middle of last year – they still are.
The main issue then was aligning ICT with the university’s operating model and the original idea was to have a new structure “embedded” by November. But last month ICT chief Peter Powell advised, the business case for a revised operating model and organisational structure was still being worked on.
“I’m keen to share all of the thinking and outcomes with you at the earliest opportunity but until we have completed all of the identified activities and obtained appropriate sign-offs, we will continue to follow the established change process procedures,” he told staff. And until everything was ready to roll, the ICT team should just get with it. “In the meantime, please continue to focus on the activities that are in front of you and continue to deliver the services and the outcomes that the University is expecting and depending on.”
Which is where things are now – with staff worrying about jobs then still worrying now. And this will continue to until April, when university management expects formal staff consultation, in accord with the Enterprise Agreement to occur.
“The university is developing a proposal for change in its ICT division … Staff and the staff union have been kept informed of the status of these considerations and a change team is developing a proposal,” a spokesperson says.