The first law of rankings holds that universities that do well promote results regardless of how a league tale is compiled. So, the universities of Sydney and Melbourne which rate 5th and 6th in the world on the new QS graduate employability ranking were out early yesterday announcing their achievements.
Other ANZ institutions that make the top 100 are UNSW (28) UoQ (48), Monash U (49), UTS (64), Auckland (71), ANU (73) and RMIT (85).
They are followed by QUT (101-110 band), Macquarie U (111-120), UniAdelaide (181-190), UniWollongong (181-190), Curtin U (201-250), LaTrobe U (251-300), Auckland UniTech (301-500), Massey U (301-500), Swinburne U (301-500), Uni Canterbury (301-500), Uni Newcastle (301-500), Uni Otago (301-500), Uni SA (301-500), Uni Waikato (301-500), Victoria U of Wellington (301-500) and Western Sydney U (301-500).
But critics complain that QS uses marginal metrics – an employer survey, alumni appearing on 150 high-achiever lists, university student placement programmes, research collaboration with business, employers recruiting on campus and graduates in FT/PT work within 12 months compared to national averages.
Fair enough, but within the QS universe the comparisons are interesting – yes, the Group of Eight does well, but so do Australian Technology Network unis, reflecting their industry-linked, big-city bases.