International education doomsday is delayed, again, with May numbers showing higher education commencements by Chinese students increased, again. Year to date starts to this May were 36 506, compared to 32 315 last year. The all-sector YTD figures for China commencements were 66 427 and 60 791 in 2017.
All up, the higher education system saw 87 723 international students from all countries commence in the year to May, compared to 79 622 on the corresponding months in 2017.
The three big states all grew, NSW led with 89 000 all-sector YTD commencements, followed by Victoria with 73 000 and Queensland with 38 000.
South Australia grew marginally, by 300, to 9 893 while WA all-sector enrolments dropped by from 15 803 in YTD May 2017 to 14 506 this year. This may account for Murdoch U discounting fees for commencing international students in Perth (the university calls it an “international welcome scholarship”, CMM July 20 ).